Tuesday, August 24, 2010

moving on!

We had a huge decision to make, but I think we made the correct one. I am talking about IVF. I can't believe it has come to this. I remember first going to the RE and when we left I turned to my husband and said how invasive IVF was and how I really hoped it didn't come to that. I thought it would be an easy fix and we would be on our way.

Well fast forward about 6 months and here we are. After 2 years of trying to get pregnant we will do whatever it takes, even break out the penguin posse! They are off to kick IF's ass!! I would have tried injectibles + IUI one more time, but i almost have 5 mature follies this last time. I am fine with twins but am scared of any more than that.

I am glad we were able to make such an informed decision since I have been reading up on IVF for a couple months. Plus all the ladies on the Bump have really helped by seeing what they are going through on a daily basis. They are very strong and the encouragement they give is amazing!

I still can't believe we are making this leap, but maybe it is a leap of faith that we need.

Monday, August 2, 2010

new beginnings

well my month of no medication has ended! I really was hoping that I would be one of those "lucky" people who got pregnant on their unmedicated cycle! Actually my husband did too. we went to a music festival on saturday and I told him I wanted a beer. He looked really sad and asked if I could have a beer. He said he was hoping that it would happen naturally and I would have to start injecting myself.

Honestly though I am excited to move on and try again. I am hoping this will really be the thing that works since I will have even more monitoring. I think the whole waiting until I get an +OPK was making my follies too big! I just hope I am not too big of a baby when it comes to starting the injections. Of course I will find out tomorrow!

I am really trying to see this as a clean start. August 1 was our 2 year TTC anniversary so what better time to really wipe the slate clean in my mind, right? I remember the days when I thought I wanted to be pregrant at 30. well my 32nd birthday is fast approaching. This is why I can't dwell on the past, but rather just live in the moment. I caught myself thinking about what week I would be at now if I didn't have a miscarriage. I can't keep doing that!