Thursday, September 23, 2010

The IVF journey

So apparently I am a pretty good responder. It looks like I am going to trigger tomorrow night and have the retrieval on sunday.

Today I went in for my third check (fourth is tomorrow) and after 6 days of stimming I have nice thick lining at 11mm, a bunch of follies ranging from under 10 - 18. I think a total of 14-16, but not sure. They are pretty much all on the left side though which is a little weird. And my E2 is currently 1200.

I am starting to feel a little full and bloated but not too bad. I have been drinking lots of water and some gatorade so hopefully I don't get OHSS, but my RE thinks everything looks good!

I am really excited, but still worried that this might not work.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Let the sticking begin!!

I am so excited to get moving with this IVF cycle. I went in this morning for my baseline ultrasound and bloodwork. I have 8 follies on my left ovary and 6 on my right all measuring less than 10. So that is a good starting point. Normally I have 10 on each on CD3, but I am sure the Lupron suppressed a few.

Speaking of Lupron that stuff has practically wiped me out. I am so exhausted from it. So I am really glad I get to lower my dose to 5 units.

Tonight will also be the day that Justin starts his antibiotic. He will be taking Doxycycline until the retrieval. So he can take part in the self medicating this month! As for me I will be starting with 225 units of Follistim, 1 vial of Menopur, and 5 units of Lupron. this continues until monday when I go back in for a follow up ultrasound and bloodwork!

Let the sticking begin...